Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Fossil Fuel is Running Out - 974 Words
With the growing concern of the depletion of the world’s fossil fuels, finding substitute resources has lead to an increased interest in both the idea of sustainability and renewable energy sources. As the world slowly progresses towards this idea of renewable energy, many people are wondering which renewable energy source will last the longest. Though all renewable energy resources are better than the current depleting fossil fuels, the most promising renewable energy resource will depend on where the problem lies geographically. Therefore, for the northeast region of the United States, specifically Massachusetts, wind power proves to be the most promising renewable energy source due to the recent contracts made by the state with wind†¦show more content†¦These benefits can include cutting production costs and having a better reputation with their customers. However, when choosing which renewable energy source will work best for a specific firm, there is no unanimous decision across the board. As previously stated, the most promising renewable energy source depends on where the firm is located because â€Å"different parts of the country have different energy needs†(2). For our firm’s purposes, wind power is the most promising renewable energy source because of some recent legislative actions to reward firms who change to wind power, the geographic location of Massachusetts and the establishment of the â€Å"burgeoning clean energy industry in Massachusetts†(Mass.Gov 1). The following portion of the memo will discuss how each of these aspects makes wind power the superior renewable energy choice for the state of Massachusetts. On January 16, 2009 Governor Deval Patrick announced his â€Å"ambitious wind energy agenda, on land and offshore†to the people of Massachusetts (1). Within this plan contained the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s (MassCEC) Commonwealth Wind Program (CommWind). CommWind provides â€Å"site assessments†¦feasibility studies†¦ and development grants for projects that pursue construction†for all firms and homes that decide to use wind power as their main source of energy (MassCEC 1). In addition to being compensated if a company chooses to turn to wind power, â€Å"the Department of Public Utilities has †¦ signedShow MoreRelatedThe World After Running Out Of Fossil Fuels Would Be A1602 Words  | 7 PagesThe world after running out of fossil fuels would be a horrible place for living. life would be hard and harsh. This is the case for us if we couldn’t find new energy resources. Nowadays, many countries are reliant on energy from conven tional sources like crude oil, natural gas, and coal. These sources are limited and they eventually will run out at some point in the future. 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