Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Body Modifications Tattoos and Body Piercings Essay
How far is too far when it comes to body modifications, such as tattooing and body piercing. Until those who tattoo and pierce to excess, realize the stigma they are placing on the art, the United States government should regulate where and to what degree tattoo artists can legally tattoo or pierce. To answer the question of why people tattoo, one would have to look back to how the early civilization made a living and their opinions on the world around them. Prehistoric people may have been the first to mark the human body for practical purposes. Tens of thousands of years ago mineral pigments were used to preserve the bodies of humans and animal skins, while also neutralizing the odor of decay. Paul G. Bahn, an archaeologist and†¦show more content†¦This tattoo parlor is thought to be the first in the United States. Back in the day individuals were not too big on regulations until the 1950s and 1960s. Samuel Steward from Chicago said: The floor was a filthy mess of mud, sawdust, dried spittle, torn newspapers, and wine bottles here and there. The flash on the walls had a primitive look. The machines were powered by an old-current generator...the needles were filthy with such a gummy coating of old dried ink splatters and grease that you were afraid to touch them. (Body Marks 4) City officials began to restrict or ban tattooing because of concerns about health issues. An outbreak of hepatitis during the 1950s was allegedly connected to Coney Island tattoo artists, who were suspected of working under unsanitary conditions. There are few regulations when it comes to tattoos and body piercings but there are many risks. The tattoo parlor must be clean by the state regulations. When it comes to a tattoo, the skin must first be prepared. An artist will shave the area when necessary, wipe alcohol over the surface of the skin, rub a solvent on the skin, then place the design in the proper place. This is allowed to dry for a few seconds, Vaseline or Vitamin A and D ointment is applied tot he area. The alcohol obviously disinfects the skin, but the Vitamin A and D ointment or Vaseline serves as a dual purpose of preventing drag as the needle tube moves over theShow MoreRelatedDeviance : Tattoos, Piercings, And Body Modifications1049 Words  | 5 PagesDevian ce: Tattoos, Piercings, and Body Modifications Towan Cook Georgia Gwinnett College Deviant acts cannot be discussed without taking into account culture, perspective, and religion. Every culture is known for their types of expressions though tattooing, piercings, and body modification. Asian gangs such as the Yakuza are known for their full body tattoos, while African tribes can be associated with wearing rings that stretch their necks. 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